Monday, April 18, 2016

Teething Problems

Teething problems? I'm sorry to say I can't really offer to much advice. Our youngest is 9 months and although he does have one tooth, we haven't had any problems. Teething has been a breeze so far. Not to brag, but we've only experienced 1 day and 1 night of teething horror. He ran a fever all night long and was so restless. Could you blame him? We alternated Motrin and Little Remedies fever and pain medicine and gave him teething tablets. The next day, our problems were over. We continued the tablets because they seemed to help with his itchy gums. Besides the extra poopy diapers, this stage has been a breeze. I'm sure our next child will be an absolute nightmare. Haha.

Though I can't offer any personal advice, I researched some remedies for you guys that may help.

  1. Amber Teething Necklaces - an old co-worker was raving about about these things and how much they help. She misplaced her little ones and hunt for a new almost immediately.
  2. Hyland's Teething Tablets- It's a homeopathic remedy. This is what we used. Immediate relief. Also the reviews on this stuff are really good.
  3. Camilia Teething Medicine- Another homeopathic remedy. It's an all natural teething remedy that comes in liquid form. 
  4. A cold wash cloth- several readers mentioned a chilled wet wash cloth.  We have since tried it, and it really does help
  5. Cold raw carrot- Apparently you can give you child a carrot to gnaw on and it helps. I found many parents talking about this... plus your baby's teeth are strong enough to bite through so its safe
  6. Nuby Silicone Teether with Bristles- it's basically a little teething ring with silicone bristles. Our little one actually has one of these and he seems to like it just fine. 
  7. Baby Oragel- It's the #1 recommended teething brand used by pediatricians.  It is an instant relief gel.
  8. Gripe WaterGripe water is a home remedy known to help with teething pain.  There are several different kinds out there, and all have slightly different ingredients.
  9. Cold celery sticks- I didn't know celery was a natural pain killer I then researched it found out that it has been used as a pain killer since 30 AD.
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